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marc once told me i owe him 1 billion pounds then broke my head and made me a crazy shotgun weilder coz he hit me with a baseball bat so my life is wrecked now and he makes a hell of a lot of money coz he tells people they owe him money then threatens them with a baseball bat .  and so now for no reason i owe him 9892792532959257925792037597594339 pounds which sux ass but youve got to live with it .


David is a drug baron and he recently kissed a guy called joe tht he knew for bout a min.... hes fat and spotty and like me he hates neds and me and him r gonna become goths after christmas:)


Christopher is the lord of me and david and he owns our souls. we cannot rebel coz hed kick our asses real bad. christopher can turn into a guy called kristuk who is ulimatley powerful and no 1 has seen him yet but behind our backs he turns into him and when we look he diss appears

and e mail me coz my inbox is soo empty
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